The story of the multicolored striped blanket …..

multicolored striped blanket - maRRose CCC

Last week I finally – finally – finished my multicolored striped blanket, what a happy feeling! I forgot when exactly I started this project, but it must have been at least 7 or 8 months ago. I sure did a lot of crochet-in-betweens during those months, but still it felt like it took me forever, hence the happy feeling now that it is done and on our bed.

multicolored striped blanket - maRRose CCC

The pattern is a free Ravelry-pattern, that you can find here. Only after someone asked me for the pattern half way during the ribbon-project, I realized I made some changes (some unintended …..) to the original pattern. I alternated the stitches (dc and tr) every row, where I should have crocheted dc’s onto the dc’s of the previous row and crocheted tr’s onto tr’s. I should have alternated the stitches only when starting a new color. Oh well, by the time I noticed my mistake I had already crocheted way too much to even consider frogging, so I continued in my own pattern.

One thing I consciously changed, was alternating the position of the “one chain” in between the clusters of 10 stitches. Every 5 color changes, I crocheted the “one chain” in the middle of where the previous set of “once chains” were. I really love how this makes the whole look of the blanket livelier.

I opted for a very simple border and found the one I liked here.

Two weeks ago I decided it was about time to finish this afghan and so I did!
Some facts:

  • the blanket has a total of 155 rows of each 280 stitches
  • it weighs approx. 3 kilos
  • measures 240×160 cm
  • and has about 50 different colors in it, so it’s a great stash busting project

multicolored striped blanket - maRRose CCC


2 thoughts on “The story of the multicolored striped blanket …..

  1. Pingback: The Lady Thing Crochet Patterns for Warm Blankets - The Lady Thing

  2. Pingback: Sunneke » 10 voorbeelden van gehaakte dekens

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