Craft as Therapy

maRRose - CCC --- Craft as Therapy-01If you’re active on Instagram, you might have seen the “craftastherapy“-hashtag. Crafters/makers from all over the world use this particular hashtag whenever they post their wonderful projects on Instagram.

The lovely Mandy of RedAgape Style & Design-blog started this some time ago, searching for like-minded crafters/makers that someway or other craft/make as a way to relief stress or even for more serious reasons like illness and hardship.
Should you want to read a little bit more, this is where you’ll want to go.

A while ago Mandy added the Instagram account @craftastherapy, a lovely feed where pictures are shared that can be found under the fast growing 7200+ craftastherapy-hashtag, as well as quotes and wise words that we can all do with every once in a while.
It’s a truly awesome, supportive, encouraging and inspiring community, and I feel very much at home there!

The craftastherapy-Instagram account is hosted by a different moderator each week, which – in my opinion – only adds to the beauty of this account. Everyone looks at things from a different angle and adds a personal touch, which is great to see.
I’m extremely honored to be one of the 12 moderators, and excited at the same time since next week will be “my” craftastherapy-week!

Now this is a long introduction to tell you I’ll be needing some serious “crafting as therapy” in the days/weeks/months to come ……
maRRose - CCC - Rustic Lace Squares-08Our 14-year old son Carter traveled to Canada last Thursday for a 2,5 week vacation with my in-laws. The plan was for him to enjoy the company of his/our relatives, spend quality time with his cousins – who, like he, are avid archers – go fishing, swimming, hiking in the beautiful Rocky Mountains and whatnot.

That all came to an end quickly, when he was in a bike accident Saturday night, only two days into his vacation …..
He broke his left collar-bone, and fractured two bones in his left foot, one of which is totally shattered and the other one in “just” 4 or 5 pieces.
Surgery was needed and performed Sunday night and he now has screws and pins inside his foot and a frame on the outside that will have to stay there for 3 months, during which the two bones (part of the five “ossa tarsi” in each foot – more here) will hopefully heal completely.

How odd it may seem, crocheting has been helpful to calm the mind, relief stress – as always, and I’m glad that I have a go-to craft that I enjoy as much as I do and has this effect on me.
From the @craftastherapy-community I know there are a lot of crocheters/crafters out there who experience the same thing when crocheting/crafting – and isn’t that something to be thankful for!
maRRose - CCC --- Bridal Shawl-Summer Shawl-105And now for some serious “crafting as therapy” – crochet hook, here I come!

Marianne xx

24 thoughts on “Craft as Therapy

  1. Pingback: Marianne's Crochet Contribution to Mandalas for Marinke |

  2. Oh Marianne!!! I’m sending you lots of love and hugs xxx I hope he makes a speedy recovery. And so wonderful you have found some comfort and stress relief in your crochet. Lots of love my dear!!
    Nat (@littlecosythings) xxx


  3. Oh Marianne wat een naar bericht. . Vreselijk je zoon zo ver weg en dan een best heftig ongeluk. Hopelijk heeft hij geen pijn meer. Op zo’n moment wil je gewoon bij je kind zijn . Gelukkig was hij bij familie..en heb jij je haak therapie hier thuis. Sterkte met alles, idd word je shawl prachtig ! XXMiriam

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dear Marianne, this is really bad news. I hope that you can manage everything alright. Allow yourself therapeutic hooky time, I know that it helps to get one’s mind at least a bit rested, I do wish all the best for your son. Viola

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh nee, wat naar Marianne! Sowieso al een 14-jarige zoon naar de andere kant van de wereld en dan ook nog een ongeluk. Thank god there’s craft as therapy! Heel veel sterkte, moed en alles wat nodig is, ook voor Carter zelf natuurlijk! <3

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dankjewel, lieve Janneke – gaan we allemaal nodig hebben!
      Ja, fijn om wat meditatie/hersen-yoga te kunnen doen in deze tijden (da’s dan ook een mooi neveneffect voor het snel(ler) afwerken van m’n wip-lijst, haha). Liefs, Marianne xx


  6. Oh no, every mother’s nightmare! It must be reassuring to know that he is with family over there until he can return home. I suspect your productivity will shoot through the roof until then if craft really IS therapy! Love and best wishes to you all. Xx

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Darling Marianne,

    Fingers crossed it all goes to plan and Lex can fly out next week to get him back.
    Thinking of you every day and glad that crochet is keeping you sane and settled to some degree.
    Much love, Heike xx

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Wat was dat schrikken voor jou en je familie! En wat een teleurstelling voor je zoon! Ik hoop dat hij vlot geneest en kan uitzien naar een fijn avontuur in de niet al te verre toekomst! Fijn nietwaar dat je in staat bent om te haken!? Altijd al, maar in nare situaties zijn haaknaald en garen een grote steun! Sterkte’

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dankjewel, lieve Andrée! Ja een beetje “nachtmerrie-achtig” is dit wel – de voet-blessure is zeer ernstig …..
      Tja, voor een niet-hakend (handwerkend) persoon zal het vast gek klinken, maar het helpt mij altijd en nu dus ook gelukkig. Komt goed uit nu ik m’n wip-lijst aan het afwerken ben :)! Marianne xx

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Oh my gosh! Marianne, you must be going out of your mind with stress!! Will he be able to come home as normal? How is he doing? Probably better than you I imagine!! Craft as Therapy indeed. Thinking of you XX

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, sweetheart – I so appreciate that. No, he’ll be one of those “special care needing persons” on the plane. We’re hoping that my husband can fly over and pick him up next week (after Carter’s next check up/ct scan). He’s a very brave young man (broke his neck 4 years ago, was in a halo for three months and handled that remarkably well), but he’s in a lot of pain and has come to realize how serious his injuries (the foot) are …. We’re very thankful he’s getting all the care and love he needs from my wonderful brother- and sister-in-law and their children …. Marianne xx


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