“Hey Hat”

maRRose - CCC --- Hey Muts-31A post on Instagram by my sweet friend Miriam last week made a whole bunch of us crocheters start hooking up hats, myself included.

Of course we were all touched by Lynda‘s request (to crochet/knit some 70 hats and/or mittens for a group of homeless men/boys) and eager to do our bit, but to be honest …….everyone really, really liked the pattern that Miriam suggested too ….
maRRose - CCC --- Hey Muts-23A fab quick crochet project (hooksize 10 doing its job), looking fantastic, and giving you endless options to play with color given the fact that you’re using three strands of yarn …. what’s not to like?

The lovely and talented Wimke Tolsma – a true creative genius, please do yourself a favor and check out her beautiful and inspiring blog – whipped up the pattern for the “Hey Muts”, and you can find her original pattern&blog post here.
As instant proof of how lovely she truly is: she has graciously allowed me to translate her pattern into English to share with you here, yay!
maRRose - CCC --- Hey Muts-32You can find the English version (as well as the link to Wimke’s pattern in Dutch) in the Tutorial/DIY-section of my blog, and this is the link to the pdf.
Have fun, and make sure to hashtag your “Hey Muts” and/or “Hey Hat” on social media (#heymuts – and be even more inspired by the gorgeous hats already in this gallery …..)!

maRRose - CCC --- Hey Muts-41maRRose - CCC --- Hey Muts-42Should you not be a hat-kind-of-making person, I can highly recommend this project, that I came across on Sheila’s wonderful blog. Crocheted or knitted 12 inch squares are needed for a project to provide Calais refugees with blankets (I realize there’s a November 20th deadline here, but I’m just assuming more squares will be needed ……).
maRRose - CCC --- Hey Muts-35maRRose - CCC --- Hey Muts-37My three “manly” hats went in the mail yesterday, and I know I’ll be making more “Hey Hats”!
maRRose - CCC --- Hey Muts-40Some other charities that I came across recently, and that are asking crafty makes, are the “Snowflake Appeal” (more info here, on Heike’s blog), and of course the annual Innocent-Big-Knit-campaign (info for UK click here; Dutch info here, my post on Innocent hats last year here).
Do you have any favorite charities that you like to crochet/knit/craft for?
Please share in the comment section, so we can all have a look!
maRRose - CCC --- Hey Muts-43Stay warm!
Marianne xx

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